Wednesday, December 26, 2007


This is my new photo-blog that will officially start on January 1, 2008; one of my New Year's Resolution. My hope is to document my daily life through amateur photography with my Sony Mavica MVC-CD400 and with whatever camera I have on hand. I don't have a compact camera. I hope to get one in the near future. I've been eyeing the Leica D-Lux3; I want it so much!

I am really looking forward to this means of (photo)journalism. I love taking pictures and sharing them with my friends. Google has a great product for photo sharing online, Picasa Web Albums.

I'm also keeping a journal for 2008. I'm using a 2008 planner from Moleskin. Its compact and so I can take it along with me and document my daily events whether routine or spontaneous. That should be an interesting exercise. Again, it could be an interesting read for me at the end of the year.

Thank you for visiting. Can't wait to make my official post on the first day of the 2008!