Sunday, November 9, 2008

November 8, 2008

Went shopping in the Farmer's Market for some vegetables at Union Square. We got some carrots. But then one in particular caught my eyes. At first, I saw that it had two legs and then I noticed it had a nub between his legs too. A carrot with legs and a penis? You wouldn't believe me if I told you which is why I took pictures. And then when I brought it home and was preparing to cook the carrot, I noticed he had a tail too! See for yourself...


NB said...

J - You didn't cook it did you?? You should totally try to sell it on ebay! You could make MILLIONS! If you did eat it at least send the picture in to Ellen, David Letterman, or someone like that...

jeannie said...

alas, we did eat him. i didn't think to keep him around. i might try to forward pics of him to those talk shows.