Wednesday, February 27, 2008

February 27, 2008

Today was a rather hectic work day so I was so glad to step out during my lunch hour. It was a cold day but refreshing. I walked down LaGuardia Place where I could not resist taking pictures of the puffy sparrow hanging out a dried plant in the public garden. They were chirping happily. They are so cute, and so fluffy and they just looked so warm. They looked like tiny round women in their fur coats! And not too far were some doves hanging out on some rocks. They looked really cozy! As I approached down West Broadway, I noticed some flashing lights ahead. There were some firetrucks and a ladder stretching to the top of the building. There wasn't a fire but I don't know what the commotion was about. In any case, it was exciting to see firemen in action. I love the FDNY! Who doesn't?

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